Standards and regulations news – Post date: May 8th, 2020

FLOCERT’s remote audits

FLOCERT, the global certifier for Fairtrade, has switched to a remote audit methodology in the short term, applicable until 30 June and directed towards a small group of customers who have audits scheduled.

One of COLEACP’s experts in Togo described how FLOCERT’s remote audits work. He uses different tools, such as Skype, WhatsApp and mail, to carry out his audits. In particular, he sends a series of questions by email, then contacts those concerned to check the information received and ask them to send documentary evidence by photo.

FLOCERT is not currently offering any renewal audits or initial audits. Amendments to scheduled physical audits are:

  • Certified Traders: all physical audits scheduled until 30 June have been converted into remote audits
  • Certified Producers: all physical audits have been postponed for audits scheduled until 30 June, and FLOCERT will offer remote audits with a limited scope as approved by Fairtrade International wherever possible, deferring audits where remote auditing is not an option
  • Applicant Traders: current methodology to provide the Permission to Trade (PTT) continues
  • Applicant Producers: since physical audits are postponed, and these are a prerequisite for any Initial Producer Certification, all Initial Producer Certification is postponed.

A set of FAQs provides more detailed information about FLOCERT’s remote audits, including what to do if there are technical problems with carrying out an online audit; and whether the inability to carry out certain tasks will count as a non-conformity.

G.A.P. Talk

GLOBALG.A.P. is issuing G.A.P. Talk podcasts relating to COVID-19, including:

  • The fresh produce industry response to the COVID-19 crisis and the need to innovate and prepare for the recovery (Chris White, Journalist and Co-Director at Fruitnet Media International GmbH)
  • How to keep your certification during the COVID-19 crisis and what innovations to expect for farm assurance in the future (by Andras Fekete, Chief Integrity Officer of GLOBALG.A.P.)
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