Sea freight news – Post date: June 2nd, 2020

There are no reported changes since the beginning of the crisis in the situation of the European ports, the only change is that the number of blank sailings is augmented, so the frequencies coming from Africa are reduced. All ports remain fully operational; this is the case for Antwerp, Rotterdam, Le Havre and Hamburg.

Logistics company Maersk provides a Market Operational Status tool that allows users to determine the countries which are experiencing significant disruption, and updates daily the latest operational status for each country. The purpose of this section is only informative: we have received reports of certain difficulties in some countries that are not included in the Maersk review. An additional report from CMA CGM provides their local offices.

Specific routes

In order to check specific routes please check with Maersk, CMA CGM and MSC for vessel availability.

According to Maersk Country information, ports with significant disruption are:

Countries with some disruption:

Maersk also publishes Ocean Service Adjustments which include a list of cancelled sailings around the world, ordered by continent.

Other news from Africa

Application of Recovery Handling Cost Import (RHI) to all Dangerous Cargo (DCG) into Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
Import Sierra Leone Standard Freetime Revision

Additional information about sea freight can be found in reports from Bolloré Logistics and Logistics Cluster.

For a selected summary download the file here.

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