Road freight/Rail freight news – Post date: October 13th, 2020


For detailed information about road disruptions in Africa please follow the reports of Bolloré and Logistic Cluster it gives a good and detailed situation country by country all over the world. Bolloré Logistics report, World Food Program and Logistics Cluster report.

Traffic remains fluid inside the EU countries in order to transport cargo; however, border controls are effective in many countries and long queues are reported, especially between central European countries. Waiting time can be up to 2–3 hours to cross a border. Borders between Italy and Switzerland, and Romania and Bulgaria, continue to report ques and delays of around 2 hours.

Sixfold provides an excellent tool to check live information on queues at EU borders.

Burkina Faso is announcing increased road toll revenues; and there are important private investments in railways in Cameroon: read the news below.


On Tuesday, Prime Minister Christophe Dabiré launched construction work on three road toll stations in Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso (Commodafrica, 1 October). “In order to increase revenue from road tolls, the Burkina Special Road Fund (FSR-B) has undertaken, since 2018, a vast project to modernise road tolls in Burkina Faso through the construction of latest generation stations. The project aims to improve the mobilisation of toll revenues in order to ensure the financing of road maintenance, reduce the waiting time of road users at toll booths, [and] contribute to improving the monitoring of traffic.” According to Franck Tapsoba, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the FSR, tolls generated revenue of around FCFA 6.65 billion in 2017 and more than FCFA 7.65 billion (€ 11.6 million) in 2019.


Yobanté Express (YES), a Senegalese last-mile delivery start-up founded in 2018, has developed its web and mobile platform on the African continent (Commodafrica, 14 September). YES has established itself in South Africa, and from that base has delivered to Botswana and Zimbabwe while also active in Ghana and Nigeria. According to founder Oumar Basse, “Yobante Express delivers 15,000 packages per month and generates an average monthly income of $ 90,000.”


As part of the modernisation of the railway line, Camrail, a subsidiary of Bolloré Railways, has completed renovation work on 13 railway bridges (Logistics Update Africa, 17 August). This renovation work was initiated as part of the five-year infrastructure renewal programme agreed between the Cameroon Government and Camrail. Under the programme, and with the contribution of the World Bank, Camrail organised on behalf of the Cameroon government the renovation of 12 metal bridges on the Transcam 2 line between Yaounde and Ngaoundere and that of the Edea railway bridge on the Transcam 1 line between Douala and Yaoundé. As part of the projects implemented by the transport ministry in February 2020, Camrail also launched renovation work on 55 further railway bridges (metal bridges and reinforced-concrete slab bridges) across the entire network. The works, due for completion in 2021, are being contributed to by local businesses including SOCATRAF, GEMAT and SIPN. With the support of development partners including the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, the French Development Agency and the European Union, the Cameroon government and Camrail are currently finalising the projects to renew the track between Douala and Yaounde and between Belabo and Ngaoundere, for a total estimated length of around 585 kilometres.

The individual logistics situtation and operations for each country are listed in an Excel database. This country situation report is based on reports from the World Food Program, Bolloré Logistics and Logistics Cluster.

Download the Excel file here.

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