Health and safety news – Post date: September 21st, 2020

Covid-19 measures: customised e-coaching in Kenya

As part of the association’s response to the global Covid-19 pandemic, COLEACP offers members and partners online training on implementing Covid-19 measures through customised coaching sessions for horticultural companies. Frank Obure, General Manager Packhouses of AAA Growers in Kenya, provides some insights on his experience with this digital learning.

“Discipline and habits are different from physical sessions, though very well manageable. It is even more lean and efficient compared to physical training: there are less logistical challenges to get staff and trainer(s) together on site; no interruption of day-to-day operations as sessions do not extend over 1h30/session. You also have more time to review and absorb technical content. People participate even from the field or from more remote growing areas.”

“Overall, our team has been very positive of this intervention. We have to appreciate these online sessions are part of the way to go.”

See Frank’s account on LinkedIn.

Another in-company coaching session will be launched in Kenya on 22 September by COLEACP experts, coordinated by COLEACP Regional Programme Manager Yessie Meyer with Marie-Hélène Delhove, Project Manager in charge of Covid-19 training. This coaching will be conducted by Benjamin Nwangagi and David Sodade with support from Wester Schepers, Project Manager, Capacity Building.

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