Health and safety news – Post date: May 8th 2020.

Coronavirus training for COLEACP’s expert trainers – at a distance

COLEACP’s aim has always been to build local capacity in ACP countries, normally through on-site training. But over the next few weeks, reacting to requests by our members for COVID-19 health and safety information and training, COLEACP will be providing online training for its team of expert trainers based in ACP countries. The training will provide reliable, validated information about the coronavirus, how it spreads, the barrier gestures to apply, the principles to adopt – and, above all, the new ways of working that will be needed in companies and organisations to avoid contamination of staff, their families and their communities. And importantly, the training will also give our experts the tools they need to be able to coach horticultural companies applying these measures.

The training covers:

  • Information on coronavirus and COVID-19
  • Practical guidelines on how horticultural companies can integrate COVID-19 measures into their food safety management system
  • Private voluntary standards: Adapting their requirements
  • How to carry out individual coaching in companies
  • Outreach to rural communities

The training will take place entirely on COLEACP’s e-learning platform. Participants can follow the different stages of the training independently, and are evaluated throughout via quizzes. A team of moderators will be available to encourage discusson and participation on the forums and to answer questions.

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