Health and safety news – Post date: August 5th, 2020.

To date, COLEACP’s COVID-19 Health and Safety online training has been viewed by 349 companies, 162 for the French courses and 187 for the English courses. The companies represent 17 countries from both African and Caribbean regions. The course completion rates are 12% (French) and 19% (English), higher than the accepted 10% average for this type of massive open online course (MOOC). Participants benefit from Zoom sessions to answer their practical questions about the coaching. We are still receiving new registrations!

New tools on COVID-19 safety measures

COLEACP is currently developing a series of information tools to raise awareness among companies and their communities about the COVID-19 pandemic and the barrier gestures we need to follow to limit the spread of the virus. These include classic eye-catching posters, as well as interactive posters, and rulers for children that illustrate the main rules of hygiene and social distancing.

First aid training with the Red Cross

On 27 July, COLEACP began its new first aid training courses carried out in partnership with the Red Cross. The first course took place in Togo, and involved two groups: the first, for the participants in the “skills incubator”, met on on 5 consecutive days; the second, for the experts, will take place on five Saturdays during August–September. The training aims to enable participants to provide assistance and help to those who need it, to stabilise the patienti until the specialised or medical team arrives. The content covers how to examine an injured person and detect and manage different disorders; management of skin damage (wounds, burns); management of musculoskeletal injuries (fractures, sprains, dislocations, muscle cramps); and lifting, stretching and transporting. At the end of the training, a panel examines the candidates and those admitted receive a National First Aid Certificate recognised by all the countries where the Red Cross works.

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