Focus on the global flower industry news – Post date: June 2nd, 2020

New campaign for flowers and plants focuses on changed behaviour

The Flower Council of Holland is developing a new campaign to create an extra turnover boost for flowers and plants (Royal FloraHolland, 26 May). The campaign launch is currently planned for the months after the summer holidays, when the most stringent corona-related restrictions will have been lifted. The campaign aims to emphasise the relevance of flowers and plants, and is based on insights into changed consumer behaviour. The starting point for the concept is that although there are many occasions on which we cannot be together, these occasions should still be celebrated with flowers and plants, which represent affection, kindness and consideration. The campaign launch date will depend on decisions regarding the corona measures, but is currently planned for the coming autumn.

Royal FloraHolland provides regular market updates and coronavirus news via its live blog.

Kenyan growers looking to broaden transportation horizons

Sachin Appachu, general manager at Kenyan rose farm Bliss Flora, says that currently he can send 25–30% of his flowers to the Dutch auction and about 5–10% to the direct market (Floral Daily, 26 May). As the airfreight situation is expected to be affected until the end of the year, other ways of transportation, like sea transport, are being considered and discussed. When COVID-19 hit the flower industry, Royal FloraHolland decided to restrict the supply to the auction on several products from different countries, depending on the day. Fortunately, the restrictions were lifted several weeks ago, but volumes out of Kenya could not increase due to the lack of air freight and high prices. As a result, in weeks 18-19-20 the rose prices at the auction were high, although they have now decreased; many flowers are coming from Ethiopia, resulting in a market under stress. Currently freight prices are still high, almost twice the normal price, and at viable prices there is still not enough space available.

Several farms are looking into alternative ways to ship their flowers, like sea transport. There are already several farms that are supplying the direct market via sea shipments. Prices are lower: an air freight rate of 2.5 dollars means savings of 60% when shipping by sea, and a vase life of 7 days can still be guaranteed after 30 days of transport. By the end of the month Bliss Flora hopes to finalise a plan for sending Kenyan roses by sea.

Kenya – Information sources for agribusiness

The outbreak of COVID-19 has had consequences for entrepreneurs doing business in or with Kenya. Floral Daily offers an overview of useful information for everyone involved in agribusiness in Kenya.

  • The agriculture team of the Dutch Embassy can answer further questions via
  • The Kenyan Ministry of Health is the main source of information about COVID-19 in Kenya. It publishes a daily update on the spread of the virus and communicates the most important information on the containment of the virus.
  • The Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland has created an overview of useful information in Dutch. A number of FAQs for entrepreneurs are answered by the Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland.
  • The European Commission’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic includes a number of transport restrictions, which can be found on the European Commission’s website.
  • The Kenya Private Sector Alliance has opened a 24-hour call centre and information portal for companies, with an overview of information provided by the Government of Kenya on COVID-19-related measures.

Floral Daily provides weekly country updates.

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