EU news – Post date: October 13th, 2020.

Freshfel Europe/AREFLH 2020 Annual Event

Freshfel Europe and l’Assemblée des Régions Européennes Fruitières, Légumières et Horticoles (AREFLH) held their online Joint 2020 Annual Event on 29 September, examining key challenges ahead for the European fresh fruit and vegetable sector in this unprecedented period (Fresh Plaza, 29 September). The event focused on “The road ahead – A sector fit for future challenges”. Speakers from the European Commission and European Parliament, and specialist market analysts, discussed the EU’s policy priorities, the European Green Deal, the Farm to Fork Strategy’s policy agenda for the agri-food sector, and the current changing market conditions affecting the sector in the short and long term.

European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski opened the Annual Event, addressing 150 Freshfel Europe and AREFLH members on the new elements specific to fresh fruit and vegetable production in the new common agricultural policy (CAP). During the event, Members of the European Parliament Herbert Dorfmann and Paolo De Castro also featured as guest speakers, remarking on the EU’s new political priorities and their impact for the sector in relation to fresh fruit and vegetable production and supply-chain actors. To conclude the event, IGD provided an in-depth market analysis on the outlook for fresh produce market trends in a world post-Covid-19.

CIRAD launches a new brand

The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) has launched a new brand, Cirad’Innov®, to promote its work to businesses, professional federations, NGOs, national authorities and public agencies, among others. While CIRAD is increasingly involved in major research and development projects in collaboration with public donors, it has not lost sight of the need to work with players from every sector of society. In particular, it is keen to forge links with businesses to ensure the co-development, adaptation and large-scale application of the results of its research. Cirad’Innov® will enhance CIRAD’s communication via social media: three LinkedIn accounts will initially promote three main sectors of activity: food and agrifood technology; sustainable agriculture; and livestock production and animal health. A fourth will be launched shortly covering biodiversity and natural resources.

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