Coleacp’s Action :  advocacy news – Post date: May 25th, 2020

COLEACP aims to represent and defend the interests of the ACP horticultural sector at the international level and with decision-makers (governments, donors, international institutions, financial services, etc.). Current activities include:

  • Design and implementation of surveys for horticultural operators in all ACP countries to identify priority areas regarding short-, medium- and long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. A general survey and two country surveys (Kenya and Cameroon) have been conducted among COLEACP’s programme stakeholders. This has informed the prioritisation of advocacy activities, for example in the area of air freight. Other country surveys are under development.
    Establishment of business-led COVID-19 national working groups, drawing on COLEACP’s network of professional associations and farmers’ organisations. Ongoing relations are maintained with professional associations representing MSMEs in the horticultural trade and with those representing producers, notably through PAFO and its regional member organisations.
  • Drafting and promotion of policy recommendations to governments, international institutions, donors and financial services. This involves designing contingency and recovery plans for the ACP horticultural sector and identifying the means and resources needed for their implementation. COLEACP is working closely with the Organisation of ACP States (OACPS) and the Regional Economic Communities in ACP countries to define priority activities both during and after the pandemic. On request, specific emergency situations are being dealt with on a country-by-country basis within the framework of COLEACP’s programme activities.
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