Air freight news – Post date: August 5th, 2020

There is a slight improvement in numbers for Africa–Europe air freight capacity. According to the latest Seabury Consulting information published this week, capacity is at –48% compared to the same week in 2019. The same analysis in May showed a decrease in air freight capacity of –57%, so this is an improvement, even if the global contraction remains around –28% since the beginning of the crisis. These numbers are mainly due to some airlines that have resumed operations, such as Brussels Airlines and Lufthansa, but to the increasing number of flights and destinations as important carriers have transformed and adapted their aircraft and their business from passenger to cargo. Emirates and Turkish Airways have played an important role in that race: Emirates has flown more than 10,000 flights during the past 3 months and increased its destinations from 35 to over a 100 worldwide. Turkish Airways also increased its market share by 5% worldwide and its number of destinations to over 60, including new destinations in Africa. Air France-KLM has resumed and increased the number of flights to most of its usual destinations in Africa and the Caribbean, with a significant increase in flights from Ghana and resumed operations to Rwanda and Tanzania offering more alternatives to export goods from Africa to Europe. Passenger flights remain restricted all over Africa, and non-essential flights from the European Union to most African countries are still restricted. From 1 July these restrictions were removed to Tunisia, Morocco, Rwanda and Algeria, but airlines have already begun to resume operations to several other countries.

Brussels Airport reports an increase in operations from June, but the situation in Belgium is currently uncertain, with new restrictive measures announced this week by the government due to a rebound of the pandemic.

Download the Excel tool with information on most cargo flights available in one database. Please allow macros for the file to work properly. Download the Excel file here.

Air freight on the rise all over Europe

René Baan, commercial manager at Dutch company APC Handling (Amsterdam Perishable Center), reports that “Across the board, the market is picking up again, although there are still major differences between the continents” (Fresh Plaza, 15 July). Now that we see the number of holiday flights increase again, there is automatically more space for perishables. Freight prices have fallen a bit in recent months, but not dramatically. René says that “There are more and more flowers and plant cuttings on the plane and many herbs and exotics are passing through. The import asparagus season is starting again and will increase in the coming weeks.”

Fewer flowers at Schiphol Airport due to COVID-19

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol’s total cargo volume for the first half of 2020 declined by 14.5% to 655,942 tonnes compared to 2019, as an increase in full freighter capacity did not make up for the decline in belly traffic (Floral Daily, 21 July). Full freighter flights were up 48.1% to 10,274 Air Transport Movements (ATM) from January to June, but the number of belly flights dropped by 51.6% to 105,665 ATM compared to the first half year of 2019. In the first half of 2020, full freighter volume increased by 12.4% to 463,679 tonnes, while belly cargo volumes dropped 45.9% to 192,264 tonnes, due to belly ATMs decreasing 51.6%. Inbound cargo volumes were down 11.5% to 341,130 tonnes and outbound cargo volumes were down 17.6% to 314,812 tonnes. Although total volume declined over the first 6 months of the year, Schiphol rose from 4th to 3rd in the list of the busiest European cargo hubs during the period. Inbound to Africa was down 29.5% to 32,821 tonnes and outbound 22.3% to 19,806 tonnes, driven by a decrease in the import and exports of flowers.

Brussels Airport sees cargo return to growth in June

Brussels Airport saw cargo volumes increase by 4.8% year on year in June, the first improvement in numbers it has registered since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak (Aircargo News, 23 July). Full freighter volumes for the month were up by 71.5% in June. Over the first six months of the year cargo volumes are 4.6% down on a year earlier. “For a typically hub airport heavily depending on belly capacity and cargo in normal times, this is a strong result knowing that overall reported volumes are still dark red,” Brussels said. Initially, cargo volumes at Brussels Airport dropped by 33% year on year, but began to pick up again in week 13 as a result of a surge in demand for personal protective equipment. New airlines such as Amerijet, Silkway and Virgin Atlantic started operations to Brussels Airport, and integrator traffic showed continuous growth week over week, reporting a 29.5% increase in June. The highest import growth in June came from Africa and Asia, with export volumes mainly growing towards Asia and North America. Export to Africa is still below pre-COVID levels due to the grounding of home carrier Brussels Airlines, but is slowly recovering as more and more carriers resume flying.

Ethiopian Airlines resumes Zanzibar service

Ethiopian Airlines has restored its Zanzibar operation with enhanced safety measures (Logistics Update Africa, 23 July). Starting with Windhoek, Kuwait, New York services this month, the airline has resumed its services to Dubai, Cameroon, Riyadh, and Jeddah. Effective August 1, Ethiopian Airlines will resume flights to Mahe, Seychelles. On the other hand, the cargo division of the airline operates across number of destinations such as Africa (30), the Middle East (6), Europe (6), North America (3), South America (3) and Asia (11). On 22 July, Ethiopian Airlines Cargo’s B777-200F caught fire at the Shanghai Pudong International Airport, China, while loading cargo. The cause of the fire is yet to be confirmed.

Etihad Cargo partners with air cargo screening app

Etihad Cargo has formed a partnership with supply chain solution app E2open, that will help it to automate its cargo screening processes in compliance with global regulations (Aircargo News, 21 July). As part of the deal, E2open will “improve efficiency, streamline workflows, minimise the risk of fines and penalties, and reduce the manual time” associated with screening cargo. Etihad Cargo said E2open will also help it to intercept attempts at illegal animal trafficking by “preventing the carriage of endangered and threatened species, hunting trophies containing any animal parts, shark fins and live animals intended for use in scientific research”. Etihad Cargo will go live with E2open from November this year.

Emirates SkyCargo marks 10,000 flights from April to June

Emirates SkyCargo has operated more than 10,000 air freight flights between April and June this year to facilitate the movement of essential cargo as the global pandemic continues (Aircargo News, 21 July). The carrier said the flights were a mix of scheduled, ad-hoc and charter operations. Throughout May and June, Emirates SkyCargo carried out an average of 3,800 flights per month to more than 100 destinations. In total, the carrier said, these flights covered approximately 35,000m km. Emirates SkyCargo noted that its May and June operations were significantly higher than at the end of March when it was operating flights to less than 40 destinations.

Guyana: Temporary shutdown of airports hits non-traditional agri exports

Guyana’s decision to ban incoming international flights, combined with many reduced passenger flights, has dealt a blow to non-traditional agricultural exports (Fresh Plaza, 24 July). Guyana closed all its airports to international passenger aircraft on 19 March, a closure that could remain in place until 28 August at the earliest. This has contributed to significant disruption for Guyanese fresh fruits and vegetables exporters, according to the Guyana Marketing Corporation. It said a comparison of exports from January–May 2020 with January–May 2019 indicates a 15% increase. For the period January–May 2020, exports totalled 4,383 tonnes compared to 3,797 tonnes for the corresponding period in 2019.

Bolloré Logistics extends the airlift with Africa

Bolloré Logistics’ special WARA weekly cargo freight service between Europe and West Africa will be maintained through 31 July and may be extended further if air freight capacity restrictions remain in place (The Loadstar, 6 July). Bolloré Logistics says it is is closely monitoring the pandemic situation worldwide, and notably in Africa. The company has has set up a crisis unit staffed by experts tasked with overseeing an emergency plan and devising scalable solutions taking account of the directives issued by local authorities.

Air France KLM Martinair Cargo Continues to increase the number of flights and destinations of cargo passenger belly aircraft, especially from Africa to Europe. This week Air France-KLM published an increasing number of worldwide destinations (from 76 to 85) and weekly number of flights (from 402 to 514). Notably an increase in the number of flights to Ghana and the resuming of KLM operations to Rwanda and Tanzania.

Lufthansa – Brussels Airlines Brussels Airlines has postponed its regular operations to Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo and Uganda to 1 August. Their new schedule is available in the Excel file (see above). Negotiations are still on the table for the rescue of Brussels Airlines, which is facing financial difficulties linked to the COVID-19 crisis. Brussels Airlines will receive a loan of €290 million from the State of Belgium, as well as a €170 million capital injection from Lufthansa.

Quatar Airways Full freighters that were coming from Lagos to Brussels and Entebbe and Nairobi to Liege are still programmed through August. They increase the destinations served from 20 July to: Addis Ababa, Algiers, Casablanca, Dar-es-Salaam, Djibouti, Entebbe, Johannesburg, Kigali, Kilimanjaro, Lagos, Maputo, Nairobi, Tunis, Zanzibar (although some of the schedules are not available online).

Emirates There is an increased number of flights from Ghana and Nigeria. Also, flights from Malawi to Kenya and from Malawi to Uganda, and further connections with Dubai were introduced one month ago. Other countries served are: Senegal, Guinea, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, South Africa, with a connection in Dubai that relays with major airports in Europe including Brussels, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris, London, Madrid, Zurich, Milan, Vienna and Maastricht. Emirates labour has also been crucial in order to maintain the flow of goods in the African country, with more than 10,000 flights the past 3 months to 108 destinations worldwide.

Kenya Airways has converted four aircraft into cargo, connecting Nairobi to Brussels and London mainly, twice a week. You must contact their local operator in order to see availability. Prices reported at €3 per kg.

DHL: DHL Express is expanding its aircraft fleet with upgraded Boeing 767-300 cargo planes. According to DHL, it has set itself the goal of modernising and expanding its intercontinental fleet in order to fly in a more environmentally friendly and more cost effective way, and to meet the ever-increasing need for global express capacities. To this end, the company and Boeing have announced an order for four Boeing 767-300 converted freighters.

Temporary suspension of services remains only to Guinea Bissau. Extended delivery time remains, it can be up to 10 additional business days for some countries of the sub-Saharan region. Also, from May 24 there is an adjustment on the emergency situation surcharge (fixed charge per shipment) as follows:

DHL Express Emergency Situation Surcharge as of 1 July 2020

Ethiopian Cargo Remains one of the key players for the African market with a current fleet of 36 cargo aircraft (12 cargo + 24 modified passenger cargos). Its hub in Addis Ababa provides a wide range of temperature-controlled warehouses, allowing connections to Europe, Asia and America. Also there are available flights from Lagos, Lomé and Addis Ababa to Brussels and Liege. Ethiopian Cargo went from servicing 10 destinations at the beginning of the year to serve more than 70 destinations currently.

FedEx and TNT – The restrictions to most African countries were extended indefinitely, their service in Africa remains very limited. Detailed information is available here.

Based on the Bolloré Logistics reportWorld Food Programme report and Logistics Cluster report, COLEACP is developing its own summary of the situation reported by some of our partners. Our own source of information is marked (*).


International restrictions: Commercial flights to and from Angola remain very limited. Angola’s borders remain closed. Entry to Angola is prohibited except for Angolan nationals and foreign nationals resident in Angola. Exceptions are made for medical evacuations, for a small number of humanitarian flights and for the entry and exit of essential workers. All air passengers arriving in Angola are required to have taken a coronavirus test in the 8 days prior to their arrival in Angola. You should carry proof of your test result with you. All air passengers arriving in Angola will need to undertake 14 days of compulsory quarantine in a government facility or a government-approved hotel (the latter at your own expense).

*Air France has one flight per week.


International restrictions: Commercial flights are operating to and from Benin. Entry and exit at border crossings is limited to “extreme necessity” and authorised in liaison with bordering countries. The land border with Togo is closed.

Cadjehoun International Airport has reinforced measures in place for visitors arriving in Benin. On 12 May the Government of Benin announced mandatory COVID-19 testing of all airline passengers arriving in Benin. These tests are at passenger expense; fees are 100,000 CFA, payable in cash only, and airlines may require advance payment as a condition of boarding. Passengers will be required to self-isolate for at least 48 hours until all results have been confirmed negative, and may be subject to additional screening after 15 days.

*Air freight: Air France has increased the number of flights to Cotonou to five times a week; Ethiopian operates 1 passenger flight/week. Brussels Airlines and Turkish Airways are also flying to Cotonou.


Air freight: There are no commercial flights into or out of Botswana. The Botswana authorities have also closed land border posts with neighbouring countries. Entry to Botswana is open only to Botswana nationals and foreign nationals with valid residency visas. Returning residents will be subject to a 14-day mandatory quarantine period in government facilities at their own expense and compulsory COVID-19 testing.

Internal restrictions: Air Botswana has suspended internal flights.The government of Botswana declared a State of Public Emergency on 31 March, which has since been extended until 30 September.

Burkina Faso

The Burkinabe authorities have confirmed that commercial flights will resume operation on 1 August from midnight. Land and sea borders remain closed until further notice.

International restrictions: Bobo Dioulasso (BOY) and Ouagadougou (OUA) airports are closed, this does not apply to humanitarian, medevac and repatriation fights. All land borders are closed, except for freight traffic. Internal flights and military flights will proceed. Public health requirements for humanitarian flights.

* Air France is operating four times a week to Paris. An air bridge was opened by the European Union one month ago for humanitarian purposes.


Commercial flights to and from Burundi remain very limited. Flights into and out of Bujumbura International Airport are suspended except for cargo flights. There are some emergency flights taking place. Land borders are also closed but will reopen from 1 August. If you are eligible for entry, quarantine requirements are subject to the following conditions: If you arrive into Burundi with proof of a negative COVID-19 test from the last 72 hours.

Three flights during August are planned by Brussels Airlines.


There are now some commercial flight options to leave Cameroon, however most international flights are still suspended. Access across Cameroon’s land and sea borders is currently tightly restricted. UNHAS flights recommenced 24 April. Air passengers who do enter the country via charter or other government-approved flights will undergo a rapid test for COVID-19 at the airport. If positive, they will be required to be in isolation at home or in a government facility at their own expense, depending on their symptoms. If negative, they are required to self-quarantine at home for 14 days. All land and maritime borders have been closed. Restrictions do not apply for cargo and to Cameroon nationals wishing to go back home. Public health requirements for humanitarian flights.

* We were informed of very limited capacity on air freight available to Europe, a considerable increase in prices is affecting exports of pineapples. Ethiopian and Air France increased their offer from Cameroon, as well as Brussels Airlines which is resuming operations from Douala and Yaoundé.

Central African Republic

Commercial passenger flights have been allowed to resume at Bangui-Mpoko International Airport, restricted to one flight per company per week. Some neighbouring countries have closed their land borders, including those with the Central African Republic. This includes the Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Sudan and South Sudan. Passengers are required to wear face masks, use hand sanitiser, have their body temperature taken, and disinfect luggage among other measures. Public health for humanitarian flights.

Cargo flights are still operated by DHL.

*Air France is operating once a week.


Airports are closed until 31 July for commercial passenger flights. Public health requirements for humanitarian flights.

Air freight: Cargo flights are still operated by DHL.

There are three flights a week with Air France and once a week with Turkish Airways.

Côte d’Ivoire

International flights resumed from 1 July on a limited number of routes. The state of emergency has been extended to 30 July. If you are arriving in Côte d’Ivoire, you will need to complete the online DDVA(air travel declaration) form before travelling, and comply with the medical monitoring system put in place by the authorities for anyone arriving into Côte d’Ivoire. This includes providing contact information and temperature readings. Other measures may also be put in place on arrival. Entry is currently limited to Ivorian nationals, ECOWAS nationals (who do not require visas), residents or other foreign nationals who already hold visas. You will not require a visa for any airside transit. You will be advised to self-isolate in your own accommodation for 14 days on arrival in Cote d’Ivoire. On arrival, you will be required to fill in a form providing your contact details.

Internal restrictions: Domestic flights resumed on 26 June. The ban on all movement to and from Abidjan was lifted on 15 July.

*Air France has considerably increased its offer to eight wide belly passenger cargo per week. Brussels Airlines is resuming operations from 1 July.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

International restrictions: The government has lifted the state of emergency since 22 July. There are extremely limited commercial options available to exit from DRC. Borders and airports are anticipated to start reopening from 15 August. Current government restrictions mean that no scheduled passenger flights are permitted to enter or leave DRC, with the exception of specially arranged flights. DRC has suspended all major international flight routes both into and out of the country until further notice. Land and maritime borders are closed and only open to cargo. All travellers entering DRC are to be subject to screening, including temperature checks and the requirement to provide proof of a recent negative test for coronavirus. Those suspected of having coronavirus will be placed into quarantine, likely in local health centres, for up to 14 days. All others entering DRC are subject to 14-day isolation in government nominated facilities. There are currently no track and trace requirements for arrivals. Travellers leaving DRC may be subject to screening, including temperature checks.

Internal restrictions: Travel to and from Kinshasa is closed except for cargo. However, borders, ports and airports are currently scheduled to reopen on 15 August. Internal commercial flights between Kinshasa and the rest of the country have been suspended. There are limited internal flights between other provinces.

*Cargo flights are still operated by DHL, Turkish Airlines and Ethiopian. Air France also has increased to four flights per week, and Brussels Airlines three times a week from August.

Republic of Congo

International restrictions: Commercial flights to and from Congo remain very limited. The Republic of Congo has closed all land, air and maritime borders until further notice with the exception of cargo flights and vessels. Travellers entering the Republic of Congo may be subject to screening, including temperature checks. All travellers entering the Republic of Congo will be placed into 14-day quarantine at a government-run facility. There are currently no track and trace requirements for arrivals. Public health requirements for humanitarian flights.

Internal restrictions: Domestic passenger flights between Brazzaville and Point Noire have resumed from 23 June. The following measures are in place and may be amended at short notice: people are prohibited from leaving home, and non-essential travel is suspended.

*Air France flights increased in frequency to Brazzaville four times a week, and one to Point Noire.


International restrictions: Djiboutian air, sea and land borders have reopened. The government has allowed international flights to resume operations from 18 July. Djibouti’s Ambouli International Airport opened to incoming, outgoing flights from 17 July. The train service to and from Addis Ababa in Ethiopia is also due to reopen. On arrival at all entry points (land, air or sea), if you are older than 11 years, you will be tested for COVID-19 and will have to remain at the point of entry until you receive the test results (estimated waiting up to four hours).

Air France increased its operations with five flights a week. Ethiopian Airlines is also operating.


International restrictions: There are special measures in place at all borders when entering Ethiopia. Transit passengers are those with an onward ticket to another destination, who do not formally enter Ethiopia. Transiting passengers are exempt from the current quarantine restrictions for coronavirus. The maximum transit time is 72 hours. Passengers transiting for 8 hours or less can remain in the departure lounge of the airport. For transits over 8 hours, you will be taken to a designated transit hotel for the duration of your stay. On arrival in Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, you should report to the transit desk to confirm your hotel details. After health screening and immigration you will then need to present your hotel details and passport to the desk marked “transit shuttle bus” from where you will be taken to the hotel. You will not be able to leave the hotel during your transit. To the extent airline schedules allow, you should therefore minimise the duration of your transit in Addis Ababa. Passengers transiting Addis Ababa Bole International Airport are subject to coronavirus screening measures during transit. Addis Ababa Bole International Airport (and other international ports of arrival) have put in place additional measures to screen passengers arriving, departing or transiting through Ethiopia. Screening may include temperature measurements and checks on recent travel to affected areas. Those people displaying symptoms linked to coronavirus may be transferred to a nearby isolation facility for up to 24 hours while further tests are carried out. The Ethiopian Public Health Institute advises that anyone who tests positive for the virus but displays only mild symptoms will be required to remain at the isolation facility for a further 14 days, in line with WHO guidance.

*Ethiopian Cargo flights still operate with extended capacity and direct flights to Brussels and Liege. Hub handles different types of temperature for fresh produce and medicines.

*Emirates is operating three times a week.


European tourists and business travellers will not be granted visas after EU excludes country from ‘safe list’ (Reuters, 01.07.2020).

International restrictions: Flight restrictions have eased to allow two flights per airline, per week. Land and sea borders are closed.

*Air France is operating two flights a week but it will increase to four times a week from August. Ethiopian is flying twice a week.


International borders are closed and only Ghana internal flights are operating. It is not currently possible to transit Ghana on commercial carriers. Public health requirements for humanitarian flights.

Internal restrictions: Domestic flights are permitted to fly – contact your local airline for details. International flights remain suspended.

* Air France-KLM have increased their number of flights to Accra considerably, almost daily frequencies to Amsterdam and Paris, Emirates and Turkish also with more frequency. Prices of air freight around $2 to $2.50 USD per kg for Europe.

Guinea Conakry

The government has announced that the Gbessia International Airport in Conakry is reopening. Please follow information about commercial options on the websites of commercial airlines operating in Guinea, such as Air France, Brussels Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Emirates, ASKY, etc. (OSAC, 27.07.2020).

International restrictions: Conakry Airport is closed to commercial flights until further notice. Guinea’s land borders are closed There are currently no commercial options available to leave Guinea.

* Air France is increasing to four flights a week, Emirates one flight a week, and Turkish one flight a week for cargo.


International air travel will begin on 1 August (The Standard, 06.07.2020). Qatar Airways, Emirates, Air France, KLM and British Airways have confirmed they will resume flights to Nairobi in the first week of August (The Standard, 27.07.2020).

International restrictions: Since 25 March, all international flights to and from Kenya have been suspended by the Kenyan Government, with the exception of specially negotiated repatriation, humanitarian and cargo flights. UNHAS Ops Limited are still running domestic flights, no cross-border flights. This suspension was extended on 6 June for a further 30 days. The suspension excludes aircraft in a state of emergency, operations related to humanitarian aid, medevac, and repatriation flights. All approved flights must provide completed passenger declaration forms and manifests to port health, immigration and customs. All crew from international flights are required to self-isolate in designated airport hotels at Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for the duration of their rest period.

*Different cargo possibilities are available for departure from Nairobi, including passenger cargo-modified aircraft and several full cargo flights. It is by far the most served airport in the region.

Cargolux and Lufthansa restarted operations from July.

  • Air France-KLM Group: 5 wide body belly to Paris and 4 to Amsterdam and 3 full freighters per week to Amsterdam (Martinair)
  • Network Airlines: 100T B747 4 times a week.
  • Qatar: 3 full freighters per week (A330 F) through Doha hub; possibility of direct flight to Liege and Brussels
  • Emirates: 6 passenger freighters per week through Dubai hub
  • Kenya Airways: 4 passenger freighters to Amsterdam and London
  • Ethiopian Airlines
  • Etihad: 3 freighters (Boeing 77X) per week to their hub in Abu Dhabi
  • Turkish Airways: daily frequencies
  • Astral Aviation: several regional destinations from Nairobi and connections to Europe
  • Lufthansa: three times a week to Frankfurt


Lockdown reimposed in Antananarivo until 20 July amid surge in COVID-19 cases (CGTN, 05.07.2020).

International restrictions: All international and regional flights to and from Madagascar are currently suspended. Cruise ships are not currently permitted to berth in Madagascar’s ports.

*Air France and Turkish Airlines will increase their flights to three times a week from August.


International airports and flights restarted operations since 26 July. Land borders will reopen from 31 July. All travellers (including the one in transit) must complete a form available on this website: More information available here: More information available here: Travellers must also show upon arrival a COVID-19 negative test done within 72 hours from departure date.

International restrictions: Travellers eligible for entry will need to self-isolate for 14 days after arrival, in suitable premises. If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19, or testing positive on arrival, you will be made to go to government-designated facilities until a negative test is obtained.

Air France increased its flights to daily frequencies. Turkish remains with one flight per week.


International restrictions: Commercial flights to and from Malawi remain very limited. Visitors from high-risk countries, including the United Kingdom, are no longer permitted to enter Malawi unless they have a residence permit. The Ministry of Health is now screening all travellers on arrival. Ethiopian has now two cargo flights per week transporting essential cargo.

* Emirates is offering one flight a week through Kenya.


International restrictions: As of 17 March, flights between Mauritania and all other countries were suspended. All land border crossings and maritime borders are now closed. According to press sources, commercial merchandise and other goods are still allowed to cross the Mauritanian borders.

* Air France is increasing to four flights per week, Turkish Airways twice a week.


All commercial flights in and out of the country have been suspended, with very limited flights. Entry to Namibia is prohibited except for Namibian nationals and foreign nationals resident in Namibia. With effect from 30 June, all individuals entering Namibia must present proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours before arrival in Namibia. With effect from 30 June, all individuals entering Namibia must enter mandatory government-supervised quarantine at their own cost for a period of 14 days. Limited flights.


International restrictions: All international passenger flights into and out of Niger have been suspended and the airports remain closed until further notice. Entry to Niger is prohibited except for Nigerian nationals with valid residency visas. Transiting through Niger is also prohibited. Public health requirements for humanitarian flights.

Internal restrictions: There are currently no commercial options available between the UK and Niger. All international passenger flights into and out of Niger have been suspended and the airports remain closed until further notice. Major roads and land borders are closed.

Air France is programming three flights a week to Niamey; Turkish once a week.


Flight operations resumed at Kaduna International Airport on 21 July (Channels Television, 21.07.2020). Government extends closure of airports for international flights until October (Daily Trust, 21.07.2020). All remaining airports will reopen for commercial operations in one week (Allafrica, 15.07.2020). Several airports in Nigeria will open on 11 July and resume their domestic flights within the country (Reuters, 08.07.2020). Kano ends COVID-19 lockdown restrictions (Reuters, 02.07.2020). Federal Government approves resumption of domestic flights on 01 July (Punch, 29.06.2020). Government will allow travel between states outside curfew hours from 1 July (Reuters, 29.06.2020).

International restrictions: Commercial flights to and from Nigeria remain very limited. UNHAS Ops still running. All airports in Nigeria are closed to all international commercial flights. The Nigerian Immigration Service announced the resumption of passport and migrant registration on 1 July. Passengers returning to Nigeria must have tested negative for COVID-19 within 2 weeks of their departure to Nigeria, and carry evidence of the test and results.

Nigeria works as a hub for neighbouring countries and even if their export quantity is not relevant there are a large number of cargo flights from Nigeria.

*Some flight possibilities for cargo were detected:

  • Ethiopian Direct flights to Brussels and Liege
  • DHL Direct flight to Brussels and connections from Gabon, Ghana and Cameroon
  • Qatar Direct connections to Brussels and Liege
  • KLM three flights a week
  • Emirates twice a week
  • Turkish daily flights
  • Lufthansa at least four times a week with regional connections to Equatorial Guinea and some cities within Nigeria

There are also an important number of domestic flights across the country that could help to mobilise cargo if local transport measures are too regulated.


Kigali International Airport to reopen on 1 August (, 20.07.2020) Lockdown for at least 15 days in Nyamagabe and Nyamasheke districts on 14 July (OASC, 15.07.2020). Reports of lockdown of four villages in Kicukiro district, two villages in Nyarugenge district (OASC, 26.06.2020).

International restrictions: Flights to Kigali International Airport are suspended. Borders are closed, except for cargo, goods, and returning Rwandans and Rwandan permanent residents. Domestic and international tourism is permitted only for visitors travelling on charter flights. Kigali Airport remains closed to normal commercial air traffic.Rwandair and Ethiopian are operating for cargo.

* KLM resumed operations to Amsterdam once a week and Brussels Airlines twice a week to Brussels; Rwandair is operating one to two flights a week to Brussels and London.


Airspace reopens with restrictions (The Point, 15.07.2020)

International restrictions: From 15 July borders reopened for international flights, although land and sea borders remain closed and the majority of international airlines have resumed commercial routes. The Government of Senegal has said airlines are not allowed to carry foreign nationals from countries who have put in place travel restrictions for Senegal unless they are ordinarily resident in Senegal, diplomats, military, health professionals and other specific professional categories. Despite this, some airlines are only allowing foreign nationals with proof of residency in Senegal to travel.

*Lufthansa is offering connections to South America and Germany. Also, Air Senegal and Air Burkina propose regional connections. Emirates also is offering one flight to Guinea, one to Brazil and one to Ecuador through Senegal. Senegal offers the possibility to export to South America with Lufthansa (Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay) and Emirates (Brazil and Ecuador). Brussels Airlines resumed operations. Air France has daily flights. Turkish Airways is operating nine times a week.

South Africa

Three additional domestic airports reopen from 21 July (LUA, 20.07.20). More local airports will be allowed to operate for domestic flights from 1 July (All Africa, 29.06.2020)

International restrictions: South African airspace is closed to commercial airlines as part of efforts to contain the spread of coronavirus. Some airlines have indicated resumption of airline operations in July, and some domestic flights have started.

Johannesburg is the airport with most freighters available (Etihad, Emirates, Qatar, Turkish, Martinair, KLM, Air France, Virgin Atlantic, British Airways, among others), most of them with daily flights. Lufthansa is resuming operations twice a week.


Authorities partially open Khartoum international airport to flights from Egypt, Turkey and UAE (Reuters, 09.07.2020).

International restrictions: All passengers, excluding Sudanese nationals, must possess a certified negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test taken within 72 hours of their arrival. On 13 July the Government of Sudan partially reopened Khartoum International Airport to international flights. As of 13 July, Sudan has authorised limited international flights to/from Egypt, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. All domestic flights continue to be suspended. Authorities closed all airports, ports and land crossings, declaring a public health emergency. Humanitarian (although UNHAS operations are restricted), commercial and technical support shipments are excluded from the restrictions. All travellers entering Sudan are required to complete a medical form upon arrival. All ports and land borders have been closed indefinitely. Airports are closed until further notice. Sudanese nationals may be repatriated; the authorities have not clarified how.

Cargo flights are operational: Turkish, Emirates and Ethiopian Airlines.


International restrictions: Commercial flights are operating to and from Tanzania. The Government of Tanzania is implementing temperature scanning for all international passengers arriving into Tanzania, and collecting tracking information for all international passengers arriving into Tanzania. The ban on international passenger flights, both scheduled and unscheduled, has been lifted.

*Cargo flights are available. KLM confirmed twice a week. Qatar has daily flights.


International restrictions: All international passenger flights to and from Uganda have been suspended and the Kampala-Entebbe Airport remains closed. Cargo flights are permitted, but crew must observe strict guidelines including screening measures.

Cargo flights operating with limited volumes. Plane crews will stay in government facilities during their transit.

*Brussels Airlines and KLM are resuming operations. Cargo connections available from Emirates, Qatar to Brussels, Liege, Doha and Dubai. Turkish Airlines and Ethiopian.


President announces curfew from 22 July (Reuters, 21.07.2020)

International restrictions: There are limited commercial flights to/from Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe’s borders are closed to non-residents. Most commercial airlines have reduced or suspended flights to Zimbabwe. Citizens or residents of a Southern African Development Community (SADC) member state transiting through Zimbabwe’s land borders on their way to their homes must present a COVID-19-free certificate issued within the previous seven working days, and submit themselves to screening and testing for COVID-19.

Cargo flights only. Airport operating with minimum staff. Harare office open and fully operational up until 16:30.

*Cargo flights available, Martinair three times a week and Ethiopian five times a week.

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